
killer whales are NOT toys!

Will you people never learn? Killer whales are called KILLER whales for a reason! They are not toys. They are not to be played with, trained or used for entertainment. Is this not common sense? I just don't get it.

The following brief is from a headlining article this afternoon on SignOnSanDiego.com. And lucky me! Someone also linked an unedited video of the incident to the article.

"The female orca, Kasatka, was supposed to shoot out of the water upright so the trainer could dive off its nose – a show finale repeated thousands of times, said Mike Scarpuzzi, vice president of zoology at SeaWorld. Instead, Kasatka grabbed the trainer's foot and dived to the bottom of the 36-foot tank. They surfaced less than a minute later, but she ignored other trainers' signals to draw her to the side, Scarpuzzi said. The orca dived a second time with the trainer for about a minute."

And in reading an update on the article, this was not the first incident between this particular orca and trainer. C'mon people. WHY would you even get back in the tank with the same whale? I'm truly baffled.

After sharing this article with Joann, she e-mails me back, "...but more people are hurt in cars and on bicycles than by killer whales so you can't really go through life worrying about "what ifs" now can you... Life on the edge is so much funner!"

Hahaha! Nope. Never. Not a chance in hell. Not gonna happen. Not if I was 90 years old and dying of a terminally ill disease. If that makes me a wuss, than so-be-it.