I think we often lose sight of what this world is really all about. We get so wrapped up in ourselves and satisfying our wants, that we forget who we really are and why we are here.
This world is so much bigger than us. Even bigger than we can imagine. We're only in this body for such a short time that we must make the very best of what life throws our way. We must not waste a single second. Everything we do, every choice we make, every word we speak - must count for something.
And sometimes it just takes one person to open your eyes to this. One person that has been there all along. One person that really gets it. One person that you understand better than you even understand yourself. And your life may never be the same.
Life is more than this. Make the most of the time you're given.
Thank you, Jason. Thank you for believing. And thank you for saving me. You may not know it, but you did.