
i smell home cookin'

I don't even remember why I decided to make this list, I think it just came to me one day. I've been thinking about this one for a while now, though. Trying to jog my memory, making sure I don't forget anything.

My Top 10 All-Time Favorite Homemade Foods
(in no order, other than how I wrote them on my note paper)

1. Nanny's Egg Salad
2. Carmen's Albondigas Soup
3. Carmen's Mexican Rice
4. Aunt Sherry's Potato Salad
5. Moma's Meatloaf
6. Moma's Fluff
7. Brenda's Coconut Cake
8. Brenda's London Broil
9. Teri's Yorkshire Pudding
10. Teri's Macaroni & Cheese

It's funny to read this list now, considering it's been YEARS since I've had more than 70% of the foods I've listed. Oh, what I would give to taste them today.

Damn. Now I'm hungry.


Laura said...

I'll take a nice london broil with a big bowl of macaroni and cheese, please. :)

jules said...

you would like a london broil. lol.

Suzi said...

Great list! Hey, maybe for your birthday dinner we can make your favorites! London Broil, meatloaf, potato salad, fluff and coconut cake.

I make egg salad the way Nanny taught me. Is it different from hers? Also, what about my Tuna Melts?

P.S. There should be a k in Yorkshire Pudding.