
an aunt grows more precious as time goes by

What a busy, busy day. I woke up with the sunrise this morning. I was ready and out of the house before 8:30 AM. On my day off. Why? Because I was spending the day with my Aunt Sherry.

Since I moved down to OB, I have been able to spend a lot more time with my family, which has been really good for me. Not just to strengthen the bond between us, but also it helps me deal with my Moma being so far away. I have especially become very close to my Aunt Sherry. Her and I have so much fun together. Mostly shopping. We both LOVE to shop. LOVE. We are always going out to eat. I mean, I partied in Vegas with my Aunt. And I had a blast! Not very many people can say that.

So to the best Aunt in the world: Thanks for mothering me a little and befriending me a lot. Love you!

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