
we must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.

I've got little time tonight, which is good because I don't have a lot to say. I've got to go wrap a kabillion presents. Well not really a kabillion, but a LOT. I will have no time the next few days. Well, no free time.

Tomorrow night is Aunt Sherry's Yule party. It's also payday. So that means I get to finish all my last-minute shopping. Saturday morning I am meeting with Molly to do our gift exchange. Then going straight from Molly's to meet with Joann and the kids for lunch. Saturday night I am going to the JAC show in PB. Then freakin' Sunday is Christmas Eve. Sunday. Ugh! I wish I had at least an extra day. Or wish I could at least take tomorrow off. I think I might try to go in again early so I can leave early. That would help with lack of time.

So good luck to all you last-minute shoppers. And be safe out there on the streets. 'Tis the season for the crazies.

NOTE: Today's title brought to you by John F. Kennedy

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